Harvey Wasserman
Harvey “Sluggo” Wasserman
Short Bio #1:
Adjunct Instructor:
Capital University (Bexley, Ohio)- Cultural Diversity, US History, Globalization, 2004-2017;
Columbus State Community College (Columbus, Ohio)- US History, Western Civ., Ecology, 2004-2017;
Hampshire College (Amherst, Massachusetts)- Cultural Diversity, US History, Journalism, 1973-5.
Elementary School Teacher: PS 180 and PS 3, New York City, 1968-9.
MA, US History, University of Chicago, 1974; Woodrow Wilson Fellow.
BA, US History & Journalism, University of Michigan, 1967; Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi.
Author, Co-Author or Introducer of about 20 books, including:
Harvey Wasserman’s History of the US (Harper & Row: Introduced by Howard Zinn, 1972).
Killing Our Own: The Disaster of America’s Experience with Atomic Radiation (written with Norman Solomon, Bob Alvarez Elinor Walters)(Dell/Delta: Intro by Dr. Benjamin Spock, 1982).
America Born & Reborn: The Spiral of US History (Macmillan: 1984).
SOLARTOPIA! Our Green-Powered Earth (Solartopia.org: intro by R.F. Kennedy, Jr., 2005).
A Glimpse of the Big Light (Solartopia.org: intro by Marianne Williamson, 2007).
The People’s Spiral of US History: From Jigonsaseh to Solartopia to Life after Trump (Solartopia.org, 2020).
Author: many articles, essays, op eds @ Progressive, Nation, Mother Jones, NY Times, LA Times, Boston Globe, Huffington, FreePress, RSN, TruthOut, CounterPunch, scoopnz, SmirkingChimp,TruthDig, OpEdNews, LAProgressive,, Common Dreams, OpEd News, Sekei (Japan) etc., since 1966.
Host/Producer: Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Show, www.prn.fm, since 2013.
California Solartopia, KPFK-FM/Pacifica Radio, Los Angeles, since 2017.
Radio/TV Guest: Today, Donahue, NPR, Democracy Now, Thom Hartmann, Young Turks, etc.
Many speaking appearances: US, Asia, Europe, Woodstock 2, since 1966.
Campus debates vs. Gen. William Westmoreland, Phyllis Schlafly, et. al., 1984-5.
Co-author (w Pete Seeger & David Bernz): Solartopia Song (appearing on Grammy-winning Tomorrow’s Children CD) 2013.
Co-writer (w Dan Keller): Lovejoy’s Nuclear War & Last Resort, GMP Films, 1974 & 1977.
Senior Editor/writer: Columbus Free Press & www.freepress.org, since 1984.
Writer/Editor: Concert & Album Program Book, Musicians United for Safe Energy, 1979.
Co-founder, writer/editor: Liberation News Service, 1967-8.
Editorial Director: U. of Michigan Daily.
Campus Correspondent, Time Magazine & United Press International, Ann Arbor, 1966-7.
Senior Advisor/Voting Member: Greenpeace USA, since 1990.
Co-founder, media co-coordinator: Musicians United for Safe Energy, 1979;
Global grassroots No Nukes/Solartopia movement, since 1973;
US election protection movement, since 2004;
Peace-No Nukes-Solartopia-Election Protection Collection, Special Collections University Archive, University of Massachusetts (Amherst) since 2017.
Co-founder/Trustee: Montague Organic Farm; Montague, Massachusetts, 1968-2003.
President/Owner: Wasserman Uniform Company, Columbus, Ohio, 1984-2003.
Born 12.31.1945 in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Married to Susan, 6.28.1988; five daughters, many grandchildren.
Box 4446; Valley Village, CA 91607; 614.738.3646; solartopia@me.com, www.solartopia.org.
Short Bio #2:
Harvey is a life-long activist who speaks, writes and organizes widely on energy, the environment, US and global history, drug war, election protection and grassroots politics.
He taught (2004-2017) US history and western civilization, cultural and ethnic diversity, ecological history and globalization at Capital University and Columbus State Community College in central Ohio; and history, journalism and the Occultural Revolution at Hampshire College, Amherst, MA (1973-5).
He is co/author of some 20 books; of innumerable articles, essays and op eds appearing on the internet; two documentary films; a Grammy-winning song. He is host/producer of two weekly radio shows. Howard Zinn, Dr. Benjamin Spock, Marianne Williamson, Studs Terkel, Kurt Vonnegut, Bonnie Raitt, Dennis Kucinich, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Ed Asner, Ina Mae Gaskin, Ralph Nader, Greg Palast, Dar Williams, H. Bruce Franklin, Lila Garrett, Eric Roberts, Eric Foner, Paul Krassner, Mimi Kennedy, Thom Hartmann, Tatanka, Joel Segal, Ken Wachsberger, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., are among those who have introduced and/or endorsed his work.
He currently hosts California Solartopiaat KPFK-Pacifca 90.7FM Los Angeles, and the nationwide PRN.fm podcast Green Power & Wellness Show.
He has an MA from the University of Chicago in US History, and a BA from the University of Michigan, in history and journalism.
In 1962 Harvey marched de-segregate a roller rink in Columbus; met Dr. Martin Luther King on the Meredith March for civil rights in Grenada, Mississippi, in 1966.
As a student editor at the University of Michigan Daily, his 1966 editorial “The Use of Marijuana: It Should be Legal” went viral on the UPI’s global wire.
Harvey marched on the Pentagon in 1967, the Chicago Democratic Convention in 1968, and helped found the anti-war Liberation News Service (1967) and the communal organic Montague Farm in Massachusetts, a pioneer in a new generation’s movement against chemical farming (1968-2003).
In 1972 HARVEY WASSERMAN’S HISTORY OF THE U.S., introduced by Howard Zinn, published by Harper & Row, helped pioneer a new generation of people’s histories.
Harvey helped coined the phrase “No Nukes” in 1973-4, and “Solartopia” in 2005. Since 2004 he has worked to helped secure free, fair and reliable elections.
In 1976-8 he helped coordinate mass non-violent Clamshell Alliance actions nukes at Seabrook, New Hampshire. In 1979, as part of the Musicians United for Safe Energy (MUSE) No Nukes Concerts/rally in Madison Square Garden/Battery Park City, he edited the informational booklet accompanying the gold triple album.
In 1982 Harvey co-wrote (with Norman Solomon, Bob Alvarez & Eleanor Walters) KILLING OUR OWN: THE DISASTER OF AMERICA’S EXPERIENCE WITH ATOMIC RADIATION, documenting nuclear power’s harm.
In 1990 he became Senior Advisor to Greenpeace USA, for whom he spoke to 350,000 semi-conscious rock fans at Woodstock 2 (1994). In Kiev (1996) he spoke at the tenth anniversary commemoration of the Chernobyl disaster, and then in Kaliningrad, in the former Soviet Union, where he met with “liquidators” whose lives and health had been sacrificed in the Chernobyl clean-up.
In central Ohio, Harvey co-founded the Great Blue Heron Alliance, which saved 240 acres of land for a wildlife refuge, and grassroots campaigns that shut a trash-burning power plant, stopped a regional radioactive waste dump, shut a McDonald’s and saved the city of Bexley’s Jeffrey Park.
With Dan Juhl, Harvey co-wrote “Harvesting Wind Energy as a Cash Crop,” a guide for farmer/community-owned renewables.
Harvey and Bob Fitrakis broke many of the major stories on the theft of the 2004 presidential election in Ohio, and were called “the Woodward and Bernstein” of election protection by Rev. Jackson Jackson. They’ve since published numerous more books and articles on the strip & flip disaster of Ameica’s stolen elections.
With Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne and Graham Nash, Harvey helped form NukeFree.org which (2007) helped stop $50 billion in new reactor loan guarantees. On March 11, 2011, Harvey was among the first to go viral on the internet with news of the Fukushima disaster. He helped campaign for the successful shut-down of California’s San Onofre nuke plant, and continues to campaign for the shut-down of Dablo Canyon, California’s last reactors. He currently lives & works in Los Angeles.
Long Bio:
Harvey Wasserman
Born: December 31, 1945; Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Avocations: Activist, journalist, historian, teacher, publisher, radio talk host/producer, father of many daughters, grateful grandfather.
MA, American History, University of Chicago, 1974
BA, American History University of Michigan, 1967;
Public Teaching Certificate, New York University, 1968.
“For Your Lifetime Commitment to Racial Justice,” St. Cloud State University African Student Association, 2019
Tim Carpenter Courage Award for Activism in Pursuit of Peace & Justice Outside the Democratic Party, Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains, 2017.
Norman Thomas Honorary Address, Ohio State University, 2008.
Activist of the Year, Columbus Community Festival, 2007
“Most Censored Story” awards from Project Censored: 2005 for Ohio election coverage (with Bob Fitrakis); 1979 on a proposed Philippine nuclear reactor project.
Selma Walker Award for Local Activism, Columbus Free Press, 1999.
Bexley Citizen of the Year, Citizens for a Better Bexley, 1996.
Alumnus of the Year, Eastmoor High School (graduated 1963).
Dragonslayer, New England Coalition Against Nuclear Pollution, 1992.
Leo Goodman Award for Safe Energy Activism, 1989.
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, University of Chicago, 1967-8.
Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, University of Michigan, 1967.
Detroit Free Press Award: Best College Editorial Writing in Michigan, 1967.
Heart of Ohio AZA Scholar-Athlete Award 1963.
Adjunct Instructor of History, Columbus (Ohio) State Community College, 2004-17: US History, Western Civilization, Environmental History.
Adjunct Instructor of History, Capital University, Bexley, OH 2004-17: US History, Cultural & Ethnic Diversity, Globalization.
Adjunct Instructor, Hampshire College, Amherst, MA., 1973-5. History, journalism, the Occultural Revolution.
Substitute teacher, fifth and other grades, PS 180, Manhattan (Harlem); and, PS3, Brooklyn (Bedford-Stuyvesent) 1968-9.
At www.solartopia.org; with Farmers Green Power, LLC.
The People’s Spiral of US History: From Jigonsaseh to Solartopia to Life after Trump; Solartopia.org, 2020.
Harvey Wasserman’s History of the United States; Intro by Howard Zinn; Harper, 1972; Four Walls, Eight Windows; Solartopia.org; Shobun-Sha, Tokyo: 1976.
SOLARTOPIA! Our Green-Powered Earth, A.D. 2030; Introduced by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., theme song (at YouTube) with Pete Seeger & David Bernz. Solartopia.org, 2007.
A Glimpse of the Big Light: Losing Parents, Finding Spirit; Introduced by Marianne Williamson; Solartopia.org, 2004.
America’s Gay Potsmoking Founders & Their Fantastic Psychedelic Adventures, By “Thomas Paine”. (officially unpublished).
Harvesting Wind Energy as a Cash Crop: A Guide to Local-Owned Wind Farming (with Dan Juhl), Danmar, Woodstock, Minnesota (2002).
The Last Energy War: The Battle Over Utility Deregulation; Seven Stories Press (NY: 2000).
America Born & Reborn: The Cycles of US History (Macmillan (NY: 1984).
Killing Our Own: The Disaster of America’s Experience with Atomic Radiation (with Norman Solomon, Robert Alvarez, Eleanor Walters: introduction by Dr. Benjamin Spock), Dell/Delta (NY: 1982).
Energy War: Reports from the Front; Lawrence Hill (Westport, CT: 1979).
With Bob Fitrakis:
The Strip & Flip Disaster of America’s Stolen Elections, CICJ/Solartopia.org, 2017.
As Goes Ohio: Election Theft Since 2004.CICJ Press (Columbus, Ohio; 2008).
What Happened in Ohio? (also w. Steve Rosenfeld) The New Press (NY: 2006).
How the GOP Stole America’s 2004 Election…; CICJ (2005).
Did George W. Bush Steal America’s 2004 Election?: Essential Documents (also with Steve Rosenfeld). CICJ (2005).
Imprison George W. Bush: Arguments for Indicting the President; CICJ (2004).
George W. Bush vs. The SuperPower of Peace: How a Failed Texas Oil Man Hijacked American Democracy and Terrorized the World; CICJ (2004).
Introductions To:
Abbie Hoffman, Revolution for the Hell of It; Avalon (NY: 2005).
Richard Grossman & Gail Daneker, Energy, Jobs & the Environment ; (NY: 1976).
Print Media:
Articles, essays etc. published in The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, San Jose Mercury-News, Miami Herald, Cleveland Plain-Dealer, Time Magazine, United Press International, Columbus Free Press, Liberation News Service, University of Chicago Maroon, University of Michigan Daily, New Age Journal, The Progressive, The Nation, Mother Jones, Rolling Stone, WIN Magazine, Pathways, Sekai (Japan), La Guele Ouvert (France), Takarajima (Japan) et. al.
The Internet:
Articles, essays etc. circulated through FreePress.org, NukeFree.org, Progressive.org, LAProgressive.org, RSN.org, Truthout.org, Truthdig.org, SmirkingChimp.org, Commondreams.org, Counterpunch.org, OpEdNews.org, scoopnz.org, EcoWatch.com, BuzzFlash.com, HuffingtonPost.com, MotherJones.com, TheNation.com, et. al.
Film Writing:
With Dan Keller: Lovejoy’s Nuclear War, and The Last Resort(Green Mountain Post Films, Turners Falls, MA.: 1975 & 1978).
Song Writing:
“Song for Solartopia!” (with Pete Seeger & David Bernz) 2007.
“Solartopia for You & Me” (with Dana Lyons) 2008
In 1973 Harvey helped coin the phrase “No Nukes” and helped found the global grassroots movement against atomic energy, for which he has spoken and organized throughout the US, Asia and Europe ever since.
In 1976-8 he helped coordinate mass non-violent demonstrations against reactors being built in Seabrook, New Hampshire. In 1979 he was part of the legendary Musicians United for Safe Energy (MUSE) No Nukes Concerts in Madison Square Garden and sister rally at Battery Park City. He edited the informational booklet that accompanied the gold triple NO NUKES album.
In 1982 Harvey co-wrote (with Norman Solomon, Bob Alvarez & Eleanor Walters) KILLING OUR OWN: THE DISASTER OF AMERICA’S EXPERIENCE WITH ATOMIC ENERGY, documenting that people died at Three Mile Island.
In 1990 he became Senior Advisor to Greenpeace USA, for whom he spoke to 350,000 semi-conscious rock fans at Woodstock 2 in 1994. In Kiev in 1996 he spoke at the tenth anniversary commemoration of the Chernobyl disaster, and then in Kaliningrad, in the former Soviet Union, where he met with “liquidators” whose lives and health had been sacrificed in the Chernobyl clean-up. He’s still a Greenpeace Voting Member.
In central Ohio, Harvey co-founded the Great Blue Heron Alliance, which saved 240 acres of land for a wildlife refuge and other grassroots organizations which forced shut a trash-burning power plant, stopped a regional radioactive waste dump, shut a McDonald’s and saved the city of Bexley’s Jeffrey Park.
With Dan Juhl, Harvey co-wrote “Harvesting Wind Energy as a Cash Crop,” a guide for farmer/community-owned renewables. Harvey worked with the Prairie Island Coalition in Minnesota to help spawn more than $400 million in wind power investments.
In 2004 Harvey and Bob Fitrakis broke many of the major stories on the theft of the 2004 presidential election in Ohio. Called “the Woodward and Bernstein” of election protection by Rev. Jackson Jackson, Bob and Harvey have published numerous books and articles on the American art of vote counting and curtailment.
In 2007 Harvey joined with Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne and Graham Nash to form NukeFree.org as part of a successful national grassroots campaign to stop $50 billion in loan guarantees to build new reactors. Harvey now edits the www.nukefree.org website which posts a constant stream of articles on nuclear power and green energy. He continues to campaign for a green-powered Earth, against federal atomic funding and all other new nuke boondoggles, against the drug war, and for a system of automatic voter registration and universal hand counted paper ballots—key elements on the road to Solartopia.
On the morning of March 11, 2011, Harvey was among the first to go viral with news of the Fukushima disaster, about which he continues to speak and write regularly. In 1976-7 Harvey marched in Japan against the Fukushima reactors, and wrote about them in the Progressive Magazine in 1977.
General Activism:
Co-founder (with Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne, Graham Nash, et. al.) NukeFree.org, begun 8/1/2007 to stop federal reactor loan guarantees. We established a web site with a music video, and on 10/23/2007 delivered 120,000 signatures to Congress.
The proposed $50 billion program was deleted from the 2007 Energy Bill; we have since defeated two additional attempts to get this $50 billion program into the federal budget and has since been rejected twice in other forms.
Co-organizer, Ohio Election Protection Team, 2004-present. We helped force the first Congressional challenge to a state’s Electoral College delegation since 1876-7, helped monitor the 2004-6-8 elections in Ohio, and helped spark a global movement for election protection & universal hand-counted paper ballots.
Senior Advisor/Voting Member, Greenpeace USA, 1990—present; in November, 2000, we helped prompt then-Vice President Al Gore to drop nuclear power from the Kyoto Protocol as a “solution” to global warming. Gore sent a Gore’s personal confirmation letter.
Senior Advisor, Nuclear Information & Resource Service, 1990-present; Board Member, 2004. NIRS opposes commercial atomic power.
Board Member, Save Our Everglades Foundation, 1998—2013; the Foundation is an essential force in saving south Florida’s vital eco-systems.
Senior Advisor, Green Highway, traveling ecology exhibit with Bonnie Raitt concert tour, summer, 2001.
Founder, Bexley (Ohio) Citizens to Save Jeffrey Park, 2000. We stopped a city hall complex from being built in a local park.
Co-Founder, Great Blue Heron Alliance, 1997-present. We helped save 240 acres next to a regional wildlife refuge in Central Ohio.
Co-coordinator, Greenpeace campaign to shut Minnesota’s Prairie Island Nukes, 1994; we helped win a landmark state mandate for 2 rounds of $400 million wind power set-asides, a major boost to the domestic US wind power industry.
Co-organizer, Citizens for a Better Bexley, 1994-6. We shut a McDonalds.
Co-organizer, Citizens Protecting Ohio, 1992-. We helped stop an NRC Regional Compact nuke dump, helping collapse the Compact system nationwide.
Co-organizer, Citizens Against the Trash Burner, 1993-4. We helped shut a $180m, 90 megawatt trash burning power plant.
Co-founder, October Surprise Project of the Fund for Constitutional Government, 1992. We publicize the 1980 Reagan-Bush Iran hostage deal.
Co-organizer, Seabrook Emergency Committee, 1989-90. We raised over $100,000 trying to keep Seabrook shut, forcing Congressional hearings on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s handling of the licensing process, which helped lead to the permanent closure of the Yankee Rowe reactor.
Co-organizer, Campaign for Safe Energy, 1980. We helped force the commercial reactor issue into the 1980 presidential primary campaigns in New Hampshire and elsewhere.
Co-organizer, Musicians United for Safe Energy concert, record and film production organization and foundation. We staged five concerts in Madison Square Garden and a rally at Battery Park City, New York, September, 1979. About 90,000 people attended the concerts, about 200,000 were at the rally. A three-record Elektra-Asylum set went platinum, and was released as a CD in 1998, both including our pamphlet/insert on the dangers of nuke power; the Warner Brothers feature film was distributed worldwide. Performers and co-oganizers included Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne, Graham Nash, John Hall, Bruce Springsteen, Carly Simon, James Taylor, Chaka Khan, Gil Scott-Heron, Peter Tosh, CSN, Paul Simon, etc.
Co-organizer, Clamshell Alliance, Seabrook, New Hampshire, 1976-8. We organized the first mass non-violent actions against the Seabrook nuke, helping to prompt a global movement.
Co-organizer, Alternative Energy Coalition and Nuclear Objectors for a Pure Environment, Montague, MA., 1973-6. We founded early grassroots No Nukes groups, and helped stop a proposed double-reactor project. The site is now a nature preserve.
Co-founder and trustee, Montague Farm, Montague, MA, a pioneer in organic farming since 1968. After 34 years of communal living, we successfully transferred the farm to the Peacemakercircle International, Inc., a non-profit, in 2002.
Active against the war in Vietnam and other US interventions, 1966-. Marched on the Pentagon, 1967; at the Chicago Democratic Convention, 1968, etc. Two purple hearts.
Member, Students for a Democratic Society, Ann Arbor & Chicago 1967-8.
Active in civil rights issues since 1962. My first demonstration, as a junior in high school, was at a segregated roller rink in Columbus. We chanted “Don’t Skate, Integrate!” Covered the 1966 Meredith Voter Registration March in northern Mississippi, and met Dr. Martin Luther King.
Civil Disobedience Arrests:
The Pentagon, 1980; Diablo Canyon, 1984; Seabrook, 1989; The Nevada Nuclear Test Site, 1991.
Radio Hosting/Producing & Commentary:
Host/Producer, California Solartopia,KPFK-Pacfica, 90.7FM, Los Angeles.
Host/Producer, the Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Show, Progressive Radio Network, 2013-present
Host, the Solartopia Show, Talktainment Radio, Columbus, Ohio, 2010-2
Host, “The Solartopia Show,” WVKO 1580AM, Columbus, 2008.
Guest Host, WTVN-AM, Columbus, Ohio; Summer, 1998.
Ecology Talk, a 3-6 minute commentary, on WCBE-FM, Columbus, 1989-1991.
General Media Activism: for grassroots anti-nuke, pro-ecology and fair elections groups around the US: 1974–.
Media Co-Coordinator, Musicians United for Safe Energy Concerts and rally, New York, 1979.
Media Co-coordinator, fund-raising concerts and tours involving Jackson Browne, Graham Nash, Bonnie Raitt, etc, 1978-82.
Media Co-coordinator, Clamshell Alliance, 1976-8. Four of us did the first media committee during the mass occupations at the Seabrook nuke.
Media Co-coordinator, Nuclear Objectors for a Pure Environment and the Alternative Energy Coalition, two early anti-reactor groups in western Massachusetts, 1974-6. We wrote the first “No Nukes” compendium in the Greenfield Recorder, printed the first No Nukes bumper-stickers and t-shirts, and stopped the Montague nuke.
Radio Hosting & Commentary:
Host/Producer: California Solartopia, KPFK-Pacifica 90.7FM, Los Angeles.
Host/Producer, the Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Show, Progressive Radio Network, 2013-present
Host, the Solartopia Show, Talktainment Radio, Columbus, Ohio, 2010-2
Host, “The Solartopia Show,” WVKO 1580AM, Columbus, 2008.
Guest Host, WTVN-AM, Columbus, Ohio; Summer, 1998.
Ecology Talk, a 3-6 minute commentary, on WCBE-FM, Columbus, 1989-1991.
General Media Appearances:
Guest appearances to discuss election protection, US politics and history, renewable energy, utility deregulation, nuclear power, etc., in several hundred radio, television and print interviews since 1967, including Democracy Now!, Art Bell, Today, Phil Donahue, CBS Nightwatch, Charlie Rose, Sonya Friedman, Lou Dobbs, the Osgood File, NPR’s All Things Considered and Weekend Edition, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr’s, Ring of Fire, Thom Hartmann, Laura Flanders, Peter B. Collins, Meria Heller, Stephanie Miller, etc.
General Public Speaking:
Plenary presenter and panelist, annual Conference on World Affairs, Colorado University, Boulder, on/off since 1984.
Occasional presenter, E-TOWN concert/radio shows, Boulder, Colorado, and nationally syndicated.
Addressed 350,000 semi-conscious rock fans at Woodstock 2, 1994, between CSN and 9 Inch Nails, then the Neville Brothers and Carlos Santana.
Numerous speeches at rallies, concerts, citizen meetings, workshops, canvass briefings and other gatherings on nuclear power, the environment, media and politics, since 1967.
Spoke against nuclear power to citizen groups in Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, 1975-6.
Campus and Corporate Lectures:
Numerous multi-media presentations with Greater Talent Network, New York, since 1982, including:
Planet Earth: How It Works, How to Save It.
Killing Our Own: The Disaster of America’s Experience with Atomic Radiation.
Guess Who’s Coming to Power.
America Born & Reborn: The Cycles of Our History.
Debates versus General William Westmoreland, Phyllis Schlafly (Eagle Forum), Howard Philips (Conservative Caucus), Congressman John LeBoutillier (Accuracy in Academia), Rabbi Sam Intrator, etc.
Founder, Farmers Green Power / Solartopia.org, a publishing and green advocacy & consulting venture, 2004-
President, Wasserman Uniform Company, Cols.,OH: 1984-2003.
Member, Social Venture Network, a national organization of socially concerned businesspeople, 1987-90.
Founding organizer, SVN’s nascent trade association for socially responsible businesses, which eventually evolved (though I was not involved) into Businesses for Social Responsibility.
All fifty states except North Dakota and Arkansas; Venice, Geneva, Paris, Amsterdam, 2008; Israel, 2005, 1984, 1967; Jamaica, 1995; Ireland, Holland, France, Britain 1991; Hong Kong, China (Canton), Japan, 1978; Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, India, 1975-6.;Mexico: Tijuana-Isla Mujeres, 1973; Tijuana-Vera Cruz, 1969; Canada: Alberta, 1992; Montreal-BC, 1972; England, Ireland, Wales, France, Holland, Italy, Turkey, Israel, West Germany, Luxembourg 1967.
to Susan Saks Wasserman, June 28, 1988 ( w Rabbis Shlomo Carlebach & David Stavsky)
Daughters: Rachel Jana Rosenblum Greenblatt b. 9/7/78;
Brianna Rose Wasserman Statman, b. 2/4/87;
Gabrielle Sophia Wasserman Adamit, b. 2/4/87;
Julianna Grace Wasserman, b. 9/30/91;
Shoshanna Faith Wasserman, b. 6/1/99.
MANY grandchildren, for whom the planet must be saved and justice must be served..
Photo Below: Harvey “Sluggo” & Susan Wasserman sending papers, books, t-shirts, posters, fliers, etc., to the Special Collections University Archive at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2018, where they currently reside, & are available on line. .

Arhata Olson