Hollywood Stars, Grassroots Activists, State Senator, Mayor & Major Organizations Ask Gov. Newsom to Fully Inspect Aged Diablo Canyon Nuclear Unit One Before it Re-Fuels

Hollywood Stars, Grassroots Activists, State Senator, Mayor & Major Organizations

Ask Gov. Newsom to Fully Inspect Aged Diablo Canyon Nuclear Unit One Before it Re-Fuels

Contact: Mimi Kennedy (315) 246-7333; Harvey Wasserman (614) 738-3646 – [email protected]; Myla Reson (310) 663-7660  – [email protected]
Dear Gov. Newsom,
We join hundreds of other Californians, including Sen. Ben Allen and San Luis Obispo Mayor Heidi Harmon, who are calling, writing, faxing and e-mailing, asking that you take action at Diablo Canyon to protect our safety and economic future. Under PG&E’s current bankruptcy and criminal proceedings, your position gives you wide ranging powers to act.
Diablo Unit One is now shut for refueling. We feel that given the evidence of embrittlement, it is very important to halt the loading of new fuel into the reactor until the public resolution of seven critical issues:

  1. Diablo One was last tested for EMBRITTLEMENT in 2003; it can now be easily tested while Unit One is shut.
  2. Diablo One’s key components must be tested for CRACKING, easily done now with ultra-sound.
  3. PG&E has DEFERRED ITS MAINTENANCE at Diablo since at least 2010.
  4. Nuclear Regulatory Commission site inspector Michael Peck, among many others, has doubts that Diablo can withstand a credible earthquake.
  5. Serious questions remain about how PG&E intends to handle Diablo’s RADIOACTIVE WASTES.
  6. US Rep. Salud Carbajal has joined many others in questioning the COMPETENCE of the bankrupt, criminally-convicted PG&E to manage these two very large reactors in his home district.
  7. Studies show Diablo’s POWER IS NOT NEEDED, and in fact impedes the use of renewables here in California.

We ask that BEFORE DIABLO ONE REFUELS you subject these and other critical issues to open public scrutiny. The decision on Diablo’s future must be made by you in conjunction with the Legislature, the CPUC, state agencies, the courts and the public.
We thank you very much for giving this your serious consideration. We feel this is an exciting and crucial opportunity for you to continue your groundbreaking leadership in bringing more safety, responsibility, and wise energy policy to all Californians. Let us keep showing the way to a safer (and more sustainable) energy future.
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Signatories (partial list):
Mimi Kennedy
Jane Fonda
Jodie Evans, CODEPINK
Frances Fisher
Lila Garrett
Dr. Helen Caldicott
Dianna Cohen, CEO & Co-Founder, Plastic Pollution Coalition
Susan Clark
Barbara Williams
Ed Asner
Graham Nash
Eric Roberts
Martin & Janet Sheen
Keaton & Eliza Simon
Ed Begley, Jr.
Lance Simmens
John Densmore, Drummer for the Doors
Dana Gluckstein, Chair People for A Safe Future
David Krieger, President Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF)
Sara Nichols
Nancy Stevens
Alan Weissman
Pamela Conley Ulich, former Malibu Mayor
Roger Pugliese
Tony Dow
David Braun
Dr. Peter Alsop
Alan Minsky, PDA
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Separate petitions, resolutions & other supporting letters & documents are from:
Topanga Town Council
San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace
Americans for Democratic Action (Los Angeles)
Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains
Pacific Palisades Democratic Club
Santa Monica Democratic Club Executive Board
The Officers of the Progressive Caucus of the California Democratic Party
The Los Angeles County Democratic Party
Culver City Democratic Club
People Demanding Action Campaign:
Reach: 60,000
1,725 Letters Sent
85 phone calls
Facebook Ad Campaign:
Reach: 108,000
Impressions: 115,680
Video Views: 56,101
Join Us at MoveOn.org: 4,372; signees: 1,017
Twitter campaign:  #TestDiablo

Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant

Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant


Comments (15)

  1. Pingback: The week in nuclear and climate news | Nuclear Australia

  2. william wise

    It is relatively easy to inspect this plant now.
    Please consider how you would feel if you decline to do so and a catastrophe happens.
    Thank you.

  3. Diane Bloom

    Testing before operations resume is paramount. Safety first

  4. carlos valdes

    Nuclear power is killing life on earth.

  5. Mary Lee Kimberlin

    I was against it when it was first built. Earthquakes occur regularly. The ocean rises. Coastlines change. It is a bomb on our doorstep. We have only to look at Japan to see the consequences. This facility was an accident waiting to happen when it was built. It is totally out of date, increasingly dangerous and hazardous to our health. It needs to be dismantled.

  6. Scott MacWilliams

    Please Please Please Please Please Please !!!! Do not reopen Diablo Canyon reactor without, at the very least, a full inspection to make sure it is safe. In fact, it would probably be best to not ever re-start it, as the power is not needed and it is at risk in case of an earthquake. Consider the Japanese disaster at Fukushima, and imagine that happening on the California coast. A huge area of the coast would be ruined forever!! Do you want that for your legacy? Keep is shut and save the California Coast!!
    Thanks for your time.

  7. adam johnston

    Please test and close diablo canyon nuclear power plant. Millions of lives are at stake. Please I beg of you. This is urgent.

  8. Please for the love of everything good in our beautiful country and state shut this deserter waiting to happen down!

  9. Why is the mainstream media not picking up this story? I suggest you send the story to Rachel Maddow, the Intercept and the Nation.

  10. Joan

    The urgency of Diablo’s dangers necessitates your immediate actions now, in support of all who share our land and planet, including you and yours. Please don’t let us all down.

  11. It is reckless in the extreme to put California and the nation in such extreme jeopardy by lacking either political courage or simple attention to obvious data about Diablo’s vulnerabilities of location, age and management. There is no “do-over” in the event of a likely earthquake. Turning a blind eye is simply allowing ones’s name to go down in infamy if the possible happens — think of the future generations (of yours and others) your intelligent decision will safeguard. DO THE RIGHT THING NOW–CLOSE DIABLOS!

  12. Ida L Tino

    Solar and wind are safe! Close Diablo for the sake of all Earthlings!

  13. Dr. Peter Watson

    The danger to life were one of these reactors to fail, extends beyond the borders of both California and the USA. I am somewhat surprised that this issue has not been brought up at the UN, the G20 Summit etc. as there are plenty of Green pressure groups globally which could pressure their own respective Governments to do something.
    Equally as the US lives on litigation, it might be a better idea to, instead of asking for common sense to be exercised, some legal Class Action suit be embarked upon to put the responsibility directly upon those actors who can do something but seemingly choose not to do anything to prevent mass death. As people with power only exercise it because they first have money, they need to realise they have more to lose than their reputations which already appear to be in tatters.

  14. The most important thing you can do for California is to CLOSE THE NUCLEAR PLANTS — Diablo and San Onofre. They are structurally compromised! A real structural test has not been done since 2003. Governor Newsom — if nothing else you must complete the tests. I CHALLENGE YOU TO STOP PRETENDING TO BE A PROGRESSIVE AND DO THE RIGHT THING. Close the plants and decommission them. Dry cask the spent fuel rods. THIS MUST BE DONE OR WE RISK RADIATION ANNIHILATION! Be a hero or the worst may happen and you will be to blame as humanity crumbles.

  15. Ed Oberweiser

    Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant should never have gone on line in the first place. PG&E has been extremely negligent in maintaining its power lines and power generators. A main problem never addressed by nuclear advocate corporations and spokespeople is how to deal with nuclear waste. This highly radioactive material must be kept islolated from human civilization longer than human civilization has existed. No method for this has ever been settled upon.

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